Winter Hours: Mon-Fri 8-4, Saturday by Appointment. Closed Sunday.


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903 Landscape Supply

Mulch Supplier in Jim Thorpe, PA

If you’re looking for a mulch supplier to help you with your next landscaping project, 903 Landscape Supply is here to help! We sell all types of mulch and topsoil supplies, from playground and landscape mulch to dyed mulch. Whether you want an eye-catching landscape or something more functional, we have mulch for sale that is perfect for both residential and commercial projects. And with our large selection of rental equipment available, you can get the mulch supplies you need and the equipment to help best spread it. Come visit our landscape store today to see our offerings in person!

Topsoil Supplies For Sale Near You

Finding good topsoil supplies for your landscaping project is essential to having a successful outcome; however, it can be difficult to find long-lasting topsoil in the Pocono Mountains. But worry not! At 903 Landscape Supply, we make sure to always supply the following pre-screened topsoil supplies to the Pocono Mountains region:  

  • Berm, clay based
  • Fill Dirt, 1″ screened
  • Mushroom Compost
  • Raingarden Soil Blend (Special Order)
  • Topsoil, Premium Composted (Black Gold)
  • Topsoil, 3/4″ Screened
  • Topsoil, Unscreened

Having good topsoil helps plants to grow quickly and naturally, which means it’s essential for your landscaping project to flourish. Shop our available topsoil and landscaping mulch today!

Landscape Mulch For Sale in the Pocono Mountains

Here at 903 Landscape Supply, we provide a wide range of landscape mulches for our PA clients, with dyed mulch being the most commonly used type. Our dyed mulch comes in an array of natural colors, such as black, brown, sun-kissed red, and more. All our landscape mulch comes from reclaimed wood from manufacturing and recycled pallets-helping to reduce landfill usage. Our mulch supplies can last you anywhere from 3-4 years with proper application and care. By partnering with top-rated brands, you can trust 903 Landscape Supply to only sell the best landscape mulch to our clients. Fill out an online form to get pricing on your mulch or topsoil supplies today!

As a renowned topsoil and mulch supplier, we offer discounts to landscape companies and contractors; see if you qualify when you reach out today!

brown dyed mulch

Natural Brown Mulch

cedar landscape mulch

Cedar Mulch (Special Order)

playground mulch

Playground Mulch

Natural Mulch For Sale Near You

As a mulch supplier in the Pocono Mountains, 903 Landscape Supply offers natural mulch supplies that are sure to improve your yard by providing an environmentally-friendly solution for landscaping projects. Natural mulch doesn’t use any dyes or chemicals and is composed of tree roots, bark, and tops from materials that have been in the ground twice. In addition, this type of mulch has weed-controlling properties that make it ideal for gardens. If you are interested in any of our natural mulch for sale, call today!

Use our bulk material calculator to see how much mulch or topsoil your next project needs before you even visit our store!

dyed black mulch

Dyed Black Mulch

dyed brown mulch

Dyed Brown Mulch

sun-kissed red mulch

Sun-Kissed Red Mulch

Contact Us About Mulch For Sale!

At 903 Landscape Supply, we strive to provide the people of PA and the surrounding areas with top-notch landscape mulch and topsoil supplies. The mulches we offer to our clients include dyed mulch, natural mulch, and even playground mulch. In addition to these products, our pre-screened topsoil guarantees that your grass and landscaping will look their best this spring. When you visit our store, our workers are happy to assist you in finding the perfect mulch and also point you in the direction of the best rental equipment to use to ensure your landscaping project is a success. Get in touch with us today to get a free quote on any of our mulches for sale, and discover what makes 903 one of Jim Thorpe’s most trusted landscape supply stores!

Bulk Materials Calculator

The following calculator is used to gain an estimate of materials needed to fill an area:

  1. Select a unit of measurement
  2. Select a shape of area to measure
  3. Insert data
Unit of measurement:
Shape of area:

**Disclaimer** This calculator is for estimation purposes only. It is usual and customary to round quantities UP to allow for variations in original grade.

Contact Us

Areas We Serve

PPL Energy Efficent American Rental Assosciation Greater Lehigh Valley Chamber of Commerce

Visit Us At:
903 Landscape Supply
1939 State Route 903, Jim Thorpe, PA 18229

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